Jelly Slugs

As you listen to this video about Jelly Slugs notice how the words are pronounced. In many cases the words have been pronounced as they are spelt to add humour. See if you can complete the transcript by putting the words from the box into the correct position in the transcript. Some words are used more than once.

bodies very open face bulging
serious tail my head eat
heads big eyes slugs long
smile lot Peace want garden
inside army body funny cut

Heeeeello, this is Runforthecube. Today we have Harry Potter Jelly Slugs, Harry Potter Jelly Slugs. Pear, Sour Cherry, Tangerine, Watermelon, Banana. Let’s _____   it up. I _____ to _____ the Jelly Slugs. Mmm. That’s a _____ of _____, that’s a _____ of _____. Don’t go in _____  _____. Behold! My _____of _____. This slug has _____  _____  _____, _____  _____  _____. Ooh, _____  _____. Let’s put a _____ on that _____, let’s put a _____ on that _____. Why so _____? Why so _____? Let’s _____ it _____, so we can see _____. Ooh, _____ gummi. Let’s _____ off this yellow _____ and put it on this green _____ and this green _____ on this yellow _____. Hee hee, this is _____. They have different _____and _____. _____Slugs! Blahhh, blahhh, blahhh. _____, _____ Out!

Now read through the transcript and see if you can pronounce the words correctly.


“Heeeeello, this is Runforthecube. Today we have Harry Potter Jelly Slugs, Harry Potter Jelly Slugs. Pear, Sour Cherry, Tangerine, Watermelon, Banana. Let’s open it up. I want to see the Jelly Slugs. Mmm. That’s a lot of slugs, that’s a lot of slugs. Don’t go in my garden. Behold! My army of slugs. This slug has big bulging eyes, big bulging eyes. Ooh, long tail. Let’s put a smile on that face, let’s put a smile on that face. Why so serious? Why so serious? Let’s cut it open, so we can see inside. Ooh, very gummi. Let cut off this yellow head and put it on this green body and this green head on this yellow body. Hee hee, this is funny. They have different heads and bodies. Eat Slugs! Blahhh, blahhh, blahhh. Peace, Peace Out!”

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